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Isaac Hanson |
"I have a hard time with musicians who act like pricks because it just makes me mad. I just sit there and I go, ‘You know what, dude, no matter whether you’re in a band just surviving or you’re in a bus playing stadiums, one way or another you’re still among the rare breed of people that are actually getting paid to do it,'" he said in an interview with WENN.
Isaac's statement is understandable, but this is all coming from someone in a band that refused to even take photos with their fans until about five years into their career. And to this day, Hanson fans still complain about how certain members in the band treat them poorly at times. Perhaps that could also be considered as "musicians who act like pricks"?
The hansons are still a band? Really? Name me a song? None of my friends could. Who knew? Guess it explains why he would be jealous of Caleb, Nathan, Jared and Matthew...at least people know they're first names....
ReplyDelete@Anonymous - Hanson are still a band. They still tour around the world and make music. If you base the quality of a band's music on their popularity then you must think The Backstreet Boys and Ace of Base are 2 of the most talented bands of all time.
ReplyDelete"At least people know they're(their) first names..." Who the hell besides big KOL fans know all their names? What does that even have to do with anything?! You act like they're the f*cking Beatles!
LOL hanson wouldnt take pics with their fans? i've never heard of such a thing...what a bunch of assholes!
ReplyDeleteafter their members only event in Tulsa this year, they took pictures outside with every single person without security. AT least 500 people. They usually always take photos.
DeleteYeah, that would make the assholes. Unfortunately it's not true. Hanson is GREAT to their fans. I've actually never seen a band so generous and kind to their fans. They hang out before and after shows for hours so that all of their fans have a chance to meet them. They release free music to them. They do great things. I know this because I've met them and been to their shows. Do not blast Hanson because you do not know anything about them. And also, I don't mind the Kings of Leon, but I don't know ANY of their names until you mentioned them. So your argument was crap.
ReplyDeletetotally agree
Deleteme too
DeleteI got to talk with Zac Hanson (my fave lol) for about twenty min 2 days ago in slc and got a bunch of pics with him! He is the SWEETEST guy! They've ALWAYS been great with their fans!
DeleteWell, I for one know a lot about Hanson (well at least through 2008ish) because I used to be a pretty hardcore, devoted fan of this very talented band. I will always love their music, but I refuse to support them any longer because of a very unfortunate evening which was so heinous that I could never again call myself a Hanson fan. Ok, I cheated and bought tickets to MON night last year at the Hammerstein or wherever it was for nostalgic reasons, but aside from that I haven't supported them in years. The fan in the prior post must be hot shit or touched by Jesus, Allah and Buddha themselves to have received *repeated* acts of kindness from Hanson, because every.single.Hanson.fan I have ever met had nothing but shitty stories to share about their encounters with Hanson (excluding the delusional morons that live outside their hotels every time Hanson is in NYC/London/LA who all still think that Hanson will leave their wives for them...but back to my response.)
ReplyDeleteI really don't feel like getting into too many details, but once upon a connection I was able to get backstage to a Hanson show at the Electric Factory with two of my friends. We were the only fans back there because once a Hanson meet and greet ends, everyone gets the boot....but since we knew the manager at the venue we were allowed to stay. We were literally sitting on a couch only talking to each other and Isaac had a hissy fit because we were backstage. He refused to talk to us and even tried to get us kicked out. Taylor was a no show because he was holed up in the bus with his wifey -- whatever dude. And Zac was just the biggest heaping pile of douche I have ever met. He was making all sorts of snarky comments about us being there even though at that point we were all busy talking to Frankie Muniz (random, I know) who was the bigger celeb at the time anyway. When I went to go to the bathroom I literally watched Zac and Isaac point at and mock fans waiting outside the backstage area in hopes of an autograph or photo. Zac was calling them "fucking losers" and Isaac was just laughing at the fact that there were waiting there for "nothing, cause I'm not going out there." I don't expect miracles from bands because I'm sure it's a pain in the ass to always have to appear friendly and welcoming to fans, but there's a difference between being discreetly annoyed and being an utter douchebag. And Isaac and Zac Hanson are prime examples of bandmembers that are douchebags to their fans. Again, this is just my story but I have heard TONS more. I guess not everyone gets treated the same way in life... I mean just look at the past romances of Chris Brown - some bitches got beat, some got out unscathed. Life isn't fair I guess, but if I'm paying good money to see a show, be part of a fan club, buy merch, etc. etc., at the very least throw a smile my way and keep on walking. Don't act like a tool.
I've had the chance to meet a lot of my celebrity idols over the years and I have never seen this poor behavior from anyone except for Hanson. And that's why they've lost a shitload of fans, including myself, and have never been able to even re-gain a fart in the ass of the success that they used to have....not for lack of talent, but for lack of integrity. FUCK HANSON!!!
Dear Sophia, maybe you shouldn't have been loitering backstage, eavesdropping. I think THAT'S pretty shitty.
ReplyDeleteHow is going to pee and walking passed two people joking around eavesdropping? Not to mention, it's hardly loitering if I was INVITED by the venue owner to be there and was having enjoyable conversations with everyone but the douchebag band. But of course, you're going to point the finger at everyone but the idiot band...because you're one of the aforementioned delusional fans. Wow, you people never fucking grow up!!! Mi mi mi mi Hanson are so hot and are perfect human beings! Loser
ReplyDeleteI have been a dedicated fan since 1997 and I am PROUD of my band! I have met all of the guys more then once, and not by being a stalker either. They have all been kind to me. I never had them be "douches" to me either. Yes they still make music to the dick up at the top. Don't know their music go look it up. For such "douches" they sure raised a lot of money for children and pregnant women in Africa. I must be one of the delusional bitches though because of my meetings with them. Memories that I get to treasure. Sucks to be you though for having a shitty time meeting them. I do wish everyone could have amazing memories that us real dedicated fans get. Bitches..
ReplyDeleteI think it was pretty shitty of him to walk off stage like that in the middle of a show.. at least have the decency to finish the show for the fans.. I am a huge fan and i have only ever had one bad experience and that was with taylor in 2009. pretty sure a fan pissed him off and he took it out on me.. but other than that, ive interviewed them and have talked to them numerous times, especially zac and it has alwaya been great. I think if alot of people knew how half the fans acted, some of the bullshit alot of fans have done, then people outside the hanson fanbase would understand why hanson act the way they do sometimes. alot of hanson fans are crazy. lol. im a huge fan and always will be.
ReplyDeletecalling Ike a prick because they didn't take pics with fans with their fans all the time back then is wrong because back then they couldn't go anywhere without getting mobbed by a massive group of fans. and they DID take photos with their fans back then. maybe not as much as they do now but it was understandable as to why they didn't then. now they are on their own label and have control of everything they do. So i think its a shitty thing of you to say that Ike, Tay and Zac are pricks. at least none of them would walk off stage in the middle of a show or cancel a tour because of a arguement. im a fan of KOL as well. Hanson are great to their fana. fans are just pissed because they are getting banned for shit they did. no offense..just stating a fact
They still take photos with fans! and Ike is not a prick!
ReplyDeleteIke was so nice to me last fall wben I met him. I was so nervous and he gave me a big hug and thanked me for coming to the show and being a fan all these 14 years!
ReplyDeleteI was also a fan since 97...I even still have my MMMBOP cassette single with the MON sampler as the second song (if you know what I'm talking about then you really are a long term fan). I never said that they are assholes to everyone all the time, but I did say that of fans - like a lot!! - have had experiences like this. The concert I was referring to was actually in 03 or 04...my mental date record keeping is awful lol! anyway, most of the stories I've been told pre-dated 03 so for all I know they have been making a valiant effort to put on a happy face for their dwindling fan base because they are at least intelligent enough to see the correlation between acting like assholes and losing fans.
ReplyDeleteThe point the original poster was saying and the point I was trying to make is that Isaac audacious comments about the Kings of Leon guys are laughable because of the blatant hypocrisy. They're almost as laughable as your assertion that Hanson's "charity work" is proof of their good nature. The vast majority of charity work by celebs, corporations and rich people are for two reasons: 1) Good PR...gotta get your name in the news, especially if you're a fledgling band with little or no radio play; and 2) Tax write-offs...A marketing campaign that allows you to write off many expenses so you have more coins in your pocket at the end of the day? Why not?!
Don't be so naive...it's really sad. After all, true humanity doesn't need to be big splash antics written up in press releases for Billboard and MTV...it's in small gestures...like not calling your dedicated fans losers.
Since most of you are oddly posting as 'anonymous,' I will address all of you at once...
ReplyDeleteI am the writer of this original blog. As a matter of fact, I am a Hanson fan (still) and have been since 1997 when their first album came out. I own every album they've ever released and have seen them every time they've come to my area in the past 14 years. So actually, yes, I do know what I'm talking about and I'd like to consider myself a pretty reliable source.
I'm fully aware Hanson are typically nice to their fans (including myself), but that's not the point of the post. The point is that Isaac was out of line and hypocritical calling Kings of Leon pricks, because Hanson have indeed had their 'prick' moments too as I will explain further below.
Hanson refused to take pictures with fans in the beginning of their careers (Unless it was a formal Meet & Greet). They would actually say "No, we don't do pictures...sorry." This whole phase was absolutely absurd, as there are MANY other bands that are a lot more famous than Hanson were at their peak that don't deny their fans of photos...an action that takes about 5 seconds. Plus, I've witnessed many other negative incidents involving them that I won't get into, much like Sophia's.
I'm a fan of KOL as well, but they're no angels either. Read this other post I wrote about them in response to the cancellation of their tour.
With that said, your 'great' experiences with Hanson are somewhat irrelevant and you aren't informing me of anything I don't already know.
Hanson are dicks. They always have been and always will be. I work in the music industry and have had the unpleasant experience working with them several times. Many colleagues of mine agree. Great music, but very demanding and unprofessional. Haven't worked with Kings of Leon, but they seem like a nightmare also based on their recent actions. As this post is about Hanson as hypocrites, I'd have to agree.
ReplyDeleteI have many connections in music and have been fortunate enough to go backstage to meet even the biggest celebrities. It is not "loitering" or "eavesdropping" if you are backstage at a band's concert and weren't personally invited by the actual members of the band. There are others involved in a band's tour.. crew members, label, venue people, etc. All these people have access to guest lists and backstage passes and it's most definitely VERY NORMAL for these people to invite friends backstage to the concerts they're working on. Therefore, bands expect to see people they don't know and don't care--it's not a big deal...ever. If they wish to go to a private area, they know they have their own dressing rooms and buses.
ReplyDeleteI have fortunately never encountered what Sophia mentioned in her comment above with any artist, ever, but whatever Hanson did most definitely does not have to do with "loitering" or "eavesdropping," as one other commenter above mentioned. Although, I have heard from people in the industry that Hanson are indeed a pain in the ass, so I'm not surprised to hear they act this way.
I've also never heard of any band having some kind of general rule that they can't take pictures with their fans outside of a meet & greet. It's quite pathetic that Hanson once felt as though they're on Madonna or Michael Jackson's level.
For all the Hanson fans, you can't possibly compare your outside fan experiences to the real life experience of talking to a band backstage. Sorry to say, but bands sometimes act differently in a "fan atmosphere" then they would otherwise.
HA-HA! I can not believe some of you people think Hanson are relevant enough to have the right to dictate who can and can not be backstage at their show! The venue people, not to mention publicists, managers, you name it always give passes out as a perk. I mean if it was a major artist like U2 or Prince obviously the concert promoters would do anything to keep the artist happy...but Hanson?! HA! Maybe back in the mm bop days but definitely not any time this century, because it has been that long since they last produced a hit
ReplyDeleteIn regards to the actual post, the KOL guy was out of line but I guess so is this Isaac dude. If you can't put on a happy face for the few hours you are in front of fans then at least ignore them. Don't act like a diva when you have NO right to do that as a hasbeen, one hit wonder band
ReplyDeletemany people love their music. I dont think you can judge a band if all you listen is whats popular today among kids. Music is more than being worldwide famous... and they are maybe not like others who will surely dissapear soon but they are...
let get real. make some research and youll find out hanson has very loyal fans, people who have traveled the world to meet them and they have not only taken pics but have signed their shoes and send videos saying happy bday to one of their fans ...
i was on the walk last year and i was 4 day post op from having a broken arm and i was walking next to ike the whole time and he not once looked at me and did not say hey or hows your arm NOTHING i was so disappointed! it was auctually one of the taped walks and you can see him walking next to me and my arm in a sling and he is totally silent! i have been a fan since 97 but i have no longer tried so hard to try to get pics and try to meet them. matter of fact i am not even going to any shows on this tour at all. so i agree ike is a prick!
ReplyDeleteBotton line to me is that if Isaac is talking he can't stand musicians that act like pricks meaning ~leaving the stage and doesn't give the audience what they paid for he is right. I am a Hanson fan, also a KOL's one too and i'm sure both bandmates can act like douche bags but in the end of the day what matters is the MUSIC and Hanson never left their fans hanging with a half concert.
ReplyDelete*not giving
ReplyDeleteIke has every right to an opinion just as we all do. The only difference is that more ppl notice when he talks since he's famous. I think it's stupid that everyone is always bad mouthing Hanson. What is really the point? No one is gonna persuade me into not being a fan. I'm honestly a fan for the music.I have been a Hanson fan since the beginning and have met and had pictures taken with the band members multiple times and I'm not crazy or delusional. I am a married with 2 kids. Who cares if they did or didn't take a picture with fans back in the day??? Someone was probably telling them not to. They were teenagers of course. As for KOL, let them do whatever they want...it's their careers. My opinion, he shouldn't of walked off the stage in the middle of a show. By the way if we are gonna call Ike a hypocrite please consider where he is coming from...has everyone forgotten how he had a pulmonary embolism during a show once but finished the show, only to need emergency surgery. By the way...they never canceled that tour. My show was never canceled, it was actually the first show back after Ike's surgery. Peace!
ReplyDeleteyou people are all retarded. The point of this post is to show that ike hanson is hypocritical in comparison to KOL. it's not a hanson bashing post that u all keep thinking. READ THE FUCKING WORDS! u are the people that make me embarrassed to be a hanson fan because u are so quick to jump down someone's throat the moment they say something negative about them. like everyone in the world has to think they're perfect.
ReplyDeletei have been a fan since '97. i've had good and bad experiences. i can 100% verify that Hanson would never take pics with their fans during the 'middle of nowhere' days. i guarantee if any of you ever witnessed what this girl Sophia did, you would feel the same way. if anything the fact that it was behind the scenes goes to show what they're actually really like and how they really feel about their fans.
why dont u people open your eyes and stop seeing hanson through rose-colored glassed.
Back during the MON days, Zac, Taylor, and Ike were all kids who were wildly popular. I doubt they were the ones calling the shots. The fact that they were not taking pics really doesn't surprise me or offend me. They were babies. Lol. I have only heard a few bab experiences with meeting them. However, I have heard a ton of great comments about them. Being that they are not as popular as during MON, I feel they probably appreciate their fans more, thus the more recent gushing comments. In almost every interview I have seen, they always say how lucky they are to be able to make money doing what they love. I think that was the basis for Ike's comment about KOL. He DID play the rest of a show in spite of excrutiating pain which resulted in emergency surgery. I think Ike's point was that KOL is pretty popular and their career depends on the dedication of their fans. Walking out mid-show and cancelling shows has a direct negative effect with their fans. I like KOL. I LOVE HANSON. I Love the MUSIC. I hope that I get to meet them one day, but it's really about the music...
ReplyDeleteI too am a longtime Hanson fan who agrees both with this post and Sophia’s comments. As a disclaimer, I still buy their music and go to their shows when they are in town. I don't respect them as people like I did in 1997 though.
ReplyDeleteI had a similar experience a few years ago with Hanson. Though I have met them on several occasions, and a few times they have agreed to autographs and photos and were generally polite, I have had experiences where they blew off fans or were downright rude. For example, though I was backstage at a concert because of a connection at the venue, I spent most of my time talking to one of the guys from the opening band even though I was really there to see Hanson. All three brothers never bothered to make any attempt to greet any people backstage who weren’t part of their posse or family. They made every attempt to basically blatantly ignore us. At one point, Isaac even asked why we were there and who we were there with. We weren’t loud, drinking, or really in the way at all. I can’t figure out why he would even care that we were in common backstage area, not a personal dressing room. His actions really showed me how important he really thought he was.
Either way, I don’t really think that Isaac has any grounds to call out a member of another band. Right now Hanson probably wishes they were playing the shows that KOL are playing. I am still a fan of Hanson’s music, but my experiences with them really tainted my view of them as people. Yes they do charity work for whatever reason (and the fans comically jump on board to support causes they wouldn’t have cared about except that “Tay” does…), and I commend them for helping out and making people aware of world issues. Maybe their motivation is more that they need to cleanse their soul of the guilt of judging others and treating fans like they are beneath the members of the band.
@Michelle: The purpose of the walk is to bring awareness to Hanson's cause, not for a chance to talk to them/get a picture. If you're upset because Ike didn't talk to you during a CHARITY WALK, then you're the prick, not Isaac.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has bad days, Isaac included. I've had Ike be rude to me once, but I've also had him be very nice to me. I'm a huge Hanson fan (not so much a Kings of Leon fan), but I do agree that Isaac calling KOL pricks was out of line.
I've been a Hanson fan since 1997 as well. I consider myself as a really big fan, cause not like many others, I've never lost interest in the band, I've never stoped believing in them even through the years when no one heard about them.. It sad to hear that some of the experiences of people who've met them are not that good.. but I've met them twich (in 2005 and 2011) and they were nice enough!! though it can be that they made fun of me/us afterward since we were really annoying and over-excited but they were polite and friendly to all of us. and so maybe Sophia can ask herself what did she or the fans around them at that time really Do to make them act like that... I really think that in most cases they are kind , nice and friendly and they appriciate their fans alot, obviously there are more evidence for that side of them than the other and not only do to fans "experiencess of meeting them" stories.
ReplyDeleteI don't consider Isaac a hypocrite. Their personal business has never resulted in them walking off stage. They have more class than that. They NEVER once considered themselves of Michael Jackson level. No one will ever reach his level. But I have met Hanson on numerous occasions and none of them were ever pricks. Isaac has ALWAYS been a SWEETHEART to me and my friends. Zac may be moody at times but majority of the time it's fan provoked. Taylor has also been very nice. But EVERYONE is entitled to having bad days including them. They do ALOT to please their fans; they put up with the bitchy ones, they let us chose setlists and cover songs, they do 1-2 mile walks with us for 3 1/2 years, so much of what they do is to keep the fans happy. No other band personally sends private messages back to fans on their website or takes the minute to make sure your picture with them comes out perfect. Hanson treats us with respect even when some don't deserve it. Isaac kicked a man out of a show for shoving some young ladies, even tho those girls were being obnoxious, he defended their honor. So there is no way they are hypocrites
ReplyDeleteRiiiiight, so if everyone has bad days and should be forgiven for their occasional moodiness or poor behavior then perhaps Isaac should have stayed mum on the KOL walk off instead of dragging the guy through the mud in the media spotlight?!
ReplyDeleteSo to review, to get his own name in the news (a damn rare occasion these days) Isaac called out the KOL guy on a *single action*, something that all of you Hanson fans seems to be so willing to forgive Isaac for. Meaning that you're probably all great people but Isaac Hanson is, in fact, a hypocrite, prick and oh yes let's not forget MEDIA ATTENTION WHORE. Case closed.
Regarding Hanson during charity walks... I've done many of those walks. There was a time when I actually got close enough to Taylor to talk to him(since everyone hogs his time and it's difficult -- Most of the fans don't even care about the whole "charity" part of it..they're just doing it as an excuse to be close to Hanson). I said to Taylor "Can we take a picture real fast?" Taylor was like "Ok, but I'm gonna pretend I don't notice" and in the pic he's looking off to the side and not even smiling. Why couldn't he just take the fucking picture?! We were right there walking and my friend had the camera. It would have taken a second to just smile!!! That's all he had to do! I'm a fucking fan...I know we're on a 'charity walk' but I spend so much time seeing their concerts and buying their music. The least u can do is smile for a fucking photo! I mean he deliberately would not pose for it. Idiot.
ReplyDeleteNO UR DA IDIOT!!!! Tay tay is SOOOOO hot and doesnt want 2 b seen with ur uglee face in a picture!! Maybee u shuld just go away and leeve him 2 da fans he actually luvs like mee!!!!! U SUCK!!!
ReplyDelete@ Mrs. Taylor Hanson
ReplyDeleteReally? Not only is your grammar/spelling atrocious in that post, but it's fans like you that give us calm, NON-CRAZY fans a bad name...
I'm a big fan of Hanson, mainly because they own their own label and recording studios and write and produce their own stuff. I've met them several times-they were all very nice to everyone. So were their wives. But I don't think anybody really gives a f*** about what Isaac personally thinks about Kings of Leon canceling their tour. I wonder why that whole interview was released to the press anyway? Most times constructive criticism isn't worth s*** its just dirty laundry that everybody goes like, who cares? If Kings of Leon go back on tour its not because genius Isaac Hanson had a great idea or anything.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to put MY 2 cents in....
ReplyDeleteAs a good friend of the writer of this blog I do understand where she is coming from. I remember waiting outside their hotel one time and having them walk RIGHT past me & being SOOOO pissed. Than I think to myself... wow. I sat outside their hotel for hours... how lame was i?? hahaha
I get that they didnt take pics back in the day. Im sure justin bieber cant take pictures w EVERY fan right now :) They arnt THAT bad with fans. they take pictures with fans. talk to them. whatever. They cant do it every time. they are human, we all have our moments & moods. That being said, its so fucking FAKE. thats what upsets me at this point.
These days, I am friends with a ton of their friends out here. I see them out & about A LOT. if i had never mentioned how much I loved their music, we would prolly be good friends at this point. but the fact that i am not a liar & cant be fake.... Taylor treats me SO different. I actually got in a bit of a fight with him at a bar bc of it once ha he actually told me that people that are "so close to the music" he has to keep "an arms length away" WTF??! than a few days later, at their after party (that was me, and like 10 friends & thats IT) i had a discussion with isaac about how Taylor acted. He tried explain it away that its because of the way fame works when ur young. its hard to change the way u act when u dealt w extreme fame at that age. i get it. but still. give me a fucking break. they arent HUGE anymore. They dont need to act like that.
Taylor actually apologized to me after (since i was hanging with his friends including michelle branch & some guys from toms shoes ha) but i dont buy it.
Isaac is fine in my book. Had some good times hanging with him. Dont think he needed to say what he did, but i dont think he's a total hypocrite. Its taylor that should be called out.... sometimes. Zac is just too busy playing video games to even factor into the equation haha
that being said, i cant wait to see them this weekend :::sigh:::
PS... i do think it KOL are pricks for whats going on... well the one dude. be appreciative of ur fans. dont be a dick :)
ReplyDeleteWho even asked Isaac Hanson for his opinion on what is happening with KOL? When was his opinion valid and relevant? Never. I'm sure HE was the one who phoned the radio station himself because he needed to extend his 15 minutes while tickets to his bands' concerts were still on sale (and not sold out).
ReplyDeleteI was also a hardcore Hanson fan "back in the day" and was too young and naive to realize that they consistently snubbed us whenever we would so much as ask for a HUG, let alone a photo.
Shitty management and an incompetent PR team lead Hanson to be obsolete. Sure, their "creative differences" with Island Records had a lot to do with it, but I highly doubt that they deliberately left the label to become independent. No band wants to be indie unless they have always been unsigned and profiting off of it. Now, all of a sudden, they think just because they're indie that it makes them credible in the music industry?
You know if they had the chance to be signed again they would. Times are different. You can negotiate contracts so your integrity is still intact.
Instead, Hanson tours all year 'round and performs on Dancing with the Stars as the house band while contestants do the foxtrot.
Way to go, guys! Keep on thinking your shit don't stink. I'll make sure to tell Kings of Leon, Jonas Brothers, and all of the other bands you've attempted to diss, hello!
First of all it's obvious this writer was just trying to stir up some shit..it's so annoying that people fall for this crap and make a big deal...and about the walks I took the walk in 2007 and tons of fans kept asking for photos during the walk and you could tell they felt bad saying no..because those were the "rules"they had. And thats understandable, it was for a cause not to have a photoshoot..isaac and zac could have said no but they didnt..taylor did say no but I understand hes the most followed..fans would have attacked (i know because im a totally taylor fan) ive met them on numerous occasions..at shows or walking around at a music festival they always say hi and are super nice. :)
ReplyDelete"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThe hansons are still a band? Really? Name me a song? None of my friends could. Who knew? Guess it explains why he would be jealous of Caleb, Nathan, Jared and Matthew...at least people know they're first names...."
To be honest, I have no idea who any of them are. I know like 3 songs by them only when people tell me who sings it; If you said to me, "Name the Hanson Brothers." I`d say, "Isaac, Taylor and Zak."
Whoever the KOL singer is, he does have a nice voice, but I`m sorry... Nowadays, I enjoy All That Remains, Disturbed, Killswitch, 5FDP, etc. KOL is garbage to me.
OH. And I can name you some songs;
ReplyDeleteMmmbop, Man from Milwaukee, Lucy, Yearbook, Weird, Penny and Me... So, yeah.
My best friend and I are going to see those lovely Hanson brothers in October. <3
wow...these are all rly conflicting opinions..Always thought Taylor and his bros appreciate people who appreciate their music - which means "people so close to the music."
ReplyDeleteWhat gives?...
Hmmm...the thing is though,also,if ever Zac Hanson had called fans losers in that backstage incident thing...in the end Isaac and Zac married fans, right?Hmmmmmmmmmmm.....I don't know anymore! Seriously I thought Hanson appreciated their fans........Yes, we do need to take into account their claim to privacy...Hmmmmmm....But in some of the fan incidents mentioned above, they could've asked nicely why a certain grp of people were there backstage...Although not everybody can be nice all the time...Hmmmmm............I hope they seriously don't think of their fans as 'losers' do they?
ReplyDeleteI meet Isaac during a walk in `07, and I asked if I could grab a quick picture with him. It was about halfway through the walk and he had been bombarded with people the whole walk. But he was courteous and smiled and let me get a picture. The other guys were great too. All in all I did four walks, and been to fifteen showns from `98 on,and in general they were great. It's sad to think they could be as rude a some say...but hey we're all only human. I.for the record, I have seen Zac moody, and I asked Taylor for a picture once, but it was in a crowd so he may not of heard me, but it does go back to it's all about the music, and it more than any other musician or band, is the soundtrack to my life, and yes everyone is allowed a bad day out to feel not like themselves. For now, and since `97, I'm a Fanson for life.
ReplyDeleteno one seems to care about the fact that back in 97 and their earlier days they were KIDS, minors, and they were being protected by their parents and their manager.